As my wife would tell you (assuming anyone reads this blog) I can create expectations for almost any event in my life. But because I was instructed on the laid back lifestyle in Africa I decided it would be best to limit my expectations.
One expectation I could not seem to get out of my mind unfolded this past Saturday. It started by simply remembering to put a soccer ball into my backpack before heading to the building site. Saturday turned out to provide a lot of sitting around time. This made my "expectation" possible.
Within moments of pulling out the soccer ball I had a crowd of boys anxiously wanting to see what was going to happen. I received help placing some bricks for goals and corner posts. I divided the group into 2 teams and indicated the start of the game by a whistle. Though mayhem ensued, the game was all I ever hoped (or expected) it to be. Kids having fun playing the game I adore.
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