Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meet Bob

This is our buddy Bob.

Bob is an adrenaline junkie. When Bob was a kid he wanted to be a Formula 1 Driver for Ferrari. Now, he says if he could do another profession besides his he'd be a house framer. haha.

Bob hopes to get re-centered by going back to Africa again. One thing he hopes he's able to do while he's there is to meet one more amazing person.

In the kitchen, Bob is known for throwing flour on the floor and doing a Tom Cruise slide through it in his underwear singing great songs from the 60's.

When Bob flies in an airplane, the thing he thinks about most is, "Do they have a Sky Marshall and is he drinking?" On a related note, Bob thanks his wife for teaching him to, "Oh, grow up."

His ideal vacation would involve Carnival in Rio with all his friends.

If Bob could trade places with anyone for one month he'd choose Tiger Woods because he always gets brand new golf balls to hit at the driving range.

If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall, he would head straight for the Hawaiian shirt Emporium.

A CD Bob could listen to on repeat indefinitely would be Bono's Joshua Tree.

Bob thinks everyone should read The Covenant by James Michener.

What a great addition to the team!

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