Sunday, February 24, 2008

Meet Desi

Meet our team leader, Desi. Here he is in the center flanked by me and George Snyman of Hands at Work. This will be his first time to the DRC. He's been to South Africa and Zambia.

When Desi was a kid he wanted to be a televangelist. No really, he wanted to be a carpenter for a while... a doctor for a while. Now, if he could try another profession he says he'd love to try to be a project manager, or a hardwood flooring guy, or a leasing company owner or an architect.

One thing Desi hopes to get from going to Africa is playing a part in each of the team members getting what they are going to Africa for. One thing that Desi hopes he's able to do while there is eat rat. That and to discover the reason that he's felt for the past 2 1/2 years that he needed to go to the DRC in particular. He's sure it has nothing to do with eating rat though.

When Desi flies in an airplane, he's hoping to get some sleep. Which, he says, is part of the reason he packs the night before. Yeah.

Desi says he can thank his wife for teaching him to swear. Also, for teaching him the importance of culture (having grown up half Louisiana Cajun and half French) and teaching him some of the traits necessary to living in community. (Building community is a pet topic of ours for years)

In the kitchen, Desi is known for his mulligatawny Soup and Chicken Cordon Bleu with a beer in hand and Tabasco on everything. (Note from wife: He doesn't cook often but whatever he makes is REALLY good.)

Desi's ideal vacation would involve lots and lots of friends in a place new to everybody or to be adopted by a Zambian community for a month or two.

If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall Desi would head straight for a Skate and Snowboard shop for a new Nixon watch, a couple of hoodies, because nothing is more comfortable than a hoodie, a pair of shoes (must sport a skull), new wallet to replace the one that just got stolen, a new backpack for sure... might as well throw in a t-shirt and of course a new hat... "What?!! $1150? Hey guys, who gave us the grand? I need some more. It ain't cheap to look this grubby."

There are a number of CDs that Desi could listen to on repeat indefinitely like Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory or Demons and Wizards' Touched by the Crimson King. And he adds, of course anything by "the Man." ( Desi refers to Neil Diamond as "the Man" and he has been able to listen to his music indefinitely for years)

One book that Desi thinks everyone should read is A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards.

The last question on the survey given to the team members for this profile was to add one little known fact about themselves. Desi is choosing to share that he has a heart-shaped birthmark on his bum. (This is true.)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Meet Paul

This is our friend Paul.

In the kitchen, Paul is known for chopping vegetables and opening beer. Of course, I've been in Paul's kitchen and I know he also likes a good scotch and great kitchen gadgetry. Maybe that's why he chops the veggies. Everyone else is afraid of those REALLY sharp knives.

When Paul was a kid he wanted to be a professional soccer player. Now, if he could do another profession he'd try Pro Golf, adding that he'd have to practice and actually get good at it first. If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall, he'd head straight for the golf store.

When Paul flies in an airplane, he's thinking that he needs to earn more money so he can fly business class. His ideal vacation would involve touring New Zealand with his wife for a month.

Paul can thank his wife, Bonnie, for teaching him how to make and eat chocolate chip cookie dough.

If Paul could trade places with anyone for one month he'd choose the President of the United States because he's got lots and lots of fun toys to play with- how much trouble could he get into in one month!

There are 2 CDs that Paul could listen to on repeat indefinitely. They are Donald Fagan's Nightfly and U2's Joshua Tree.

One book, other than the Bible, that Paul thinks everyone should read is A Nasty Bit of Rough by David Feherty, the funniest golf story ever!

One thing that Paul hopes to get from going to Africa is a perspective on what real poverty and suffering is like to use that in his day to day life back home.

One thing that Paul hopes to do while there is to connect with people from a different culture and to be able to make a small difference.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meet Bob

This is our buddy Bob.

Bob is an adrenaline junkie. When Bob was a kid he wanted to be a Formula 1 Driver for Ferrari. Now, he says if he could do another profession besides his he'd be a house framer. haha.

Bob hopes to get re-centered by going back to Africa again. One thing he hopes he's able to do while he's there is to meet one more amazing person.

In the kitchen, Bob is known for throwing flour on the floor and doing a Tom Cruise slide through it in his underwear singing great songs from the 60's.

When Bob flies in an airplane, the thing he thinks about most is, "Do they have a Sky Marshall and is he drinking?" On a related note, Bob thanks his wife for teaching him to, "Oh, grow up."

His ideal vacation would involve Carnival in Rio with all his friends.

If Bob could trade places with anyone for one month he'd choose Tiger Woods because he always gets brand new golf balls to hit at the driving range.

If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall, he would head straight for the Hawaiian shirt Emporium.

A CD Bob could listen to on repeat indefinitely would be Bono's Joshua Tree.

Bob thinks everyone should read The Covenant by James Michener.

What a great addition to the team!

Meet Brian

This is Brian.

Brian hopes to build some friendships on this next trip to Africa. And one thing he hopes to do while he's there is to reconnect with some of the people he met on his last trip to Zambia.

Not everyone knows this, but Brian likes to go into small community hardware stores when he travels. If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall Brian would head straight for Sears Hardware Centre.

When he was a kid he wanted to play pro hockey. Now, if he could do another profession he'd try general contracting.

In the kitchen, Brian is known for being absent. When Brian flies in a plane, he thinks most about sleeping.

A CD Brian could listen to on repeat indefinitely would be U2, The Best Of 1980-1990.

Brian can thank his wife, Lisa, for teaching him to slow down and relax.

His ideal vacation would involve a tropical island with miles of private beaches, golf, water activities, some night life and good food and drinks- lots of sun and sand.

If he could trade places with anyone for one month Brian would choose Ty Pennington from Extreme Makeover Home Addition because it would be an amazing opportunity to change the lives of people forever and do something he would truly enjoy doing.

Meet Brent

Meet Brent. Brent was a missionary kid.

One thing Brent hopes to get from going to Africa is another world perspective and to bring a bit of heaven to earth. One thing he hopes to be able to do while there is to connect.

When Brent was a kid he wanted to be a policeman. But now if he could do another profession he'd try contracting.

When Brent flies in an airplane his mind is on what he'll be doing when he gets there. A CD he could listen to on repeat indefinitely would be U2's Elevation.

In the kitchen, Brent is known for making great deli sandwiches. He can thank his wife for teaching him to be less selfish.

His ideal vacation would involve learning about another culture through food.

If Brent could trade places with anyone for one month he'd choose Bono because Bono connects with people on so many levels. One book, other than the Bible, that he thinks everyone should read is "What's So Amazing About Grace" by Yancey.

If given $1,000 to blow in any one shop in the mall he'd head straight for the tool department or running shoe department.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Project Information

The project that our men will be working on is in deliberation right now. So far, the building will look something like this.

It includes Patient care rooms, a garden and an elaborate rain collection system, food storage rooms and a large multi-purpose room. Meaning it will be a community centre able to handle all sorts of programs- from health to feeding to schooling.

Right now members of the community are having a look at it to add input. This will be their space and the idea is to allow them to be a part of its design, creation and use.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

You Tube Videos

Please check out some of the videos below.
I absolutely love the first one (top left corner) about the entire country and exceptionally narrated by a little Scottish boy. This is likely the best of the lot.
Another worth checking out is labeled simply CONGO and was posted by a Westside rep going to Congo to check on what are partners were up to. This video shows Margaret and Dominic and the area that our men will be visiting.
The WEEK IN NIGERIA video shows our buddy Lynn Chotowetz whose push got Westside into getting our hands dirty in Africa in the first place. In this video, shot last year, he's in Nigeria- an experience that was very impactful for him.
There is a clip from the SUM 41: ROCKED IN CONGO video about the band's experience in going to DRC for Warchild.
The others I love for their singing and dancing and vibrancy.

Saturday, February 2, 2008


I've just noticed that the Westside web site sends you to this post only. To check out the full blog including updates, project details and team member profiles, click here.

Right now there is a small team of men who have prepared to go to the DRC in April. This blog is to track their progress, to give family members and friends a place to visit as they engage in their travels and to allow outsiders to be a part of one thing being done in Africa.

Our team is part of an ongoing initiative by Westside King's Church to support an outstanding organization working on the ground in Sub-Saharan Africa called Hands At Work. Westside welcomes anyone who wants to be a part of a team going to Africa to join with us. As we've learned from past mistakes we require about 3 months of team training as we feel it is important that we go prepared to serve.

We go with the attitude that we have as much to learn from them as they have from us.

We are not a closed group. Comments and queries are welcome.