Friday, March 14, 2008

the coolest entry VISA ever

Bonnie Smith has done a wonderful job of coordinating the Visa applications for the team.

It required finding out what WAS required and then wrangling all the needed information and objects together. The application had to be sent with bank statements and a copy of the tickets and a personal invitation to each member from someone in Congo and a letter of reference from someone here who has known them who can attest to their character and 4 passport photos and each person's passport and a fee....

The part I found most worrisome was sending the passports. Is it just me, or does this seem risky?

Well, surprise surprise! After only a few days, yes days, the passports came back with a beautiful visa laminated right into them. If I were a passport stamp collector I'd want to go there just to have this beauty in my passport. I'm a bit jealous, in fact. I mean, not really... but, whatever.

Thanks Bonnie! Thanks DR Congo Immigration officials! Thanks God!

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